Micah True Trail Run – New Mexico 2012

caballo blancoDate:    Sat, 2 Jun 2012 12:04:42 -0600
From:    Mark Dorion
Subject: Micah True Trail Run/ Gila (NM) Bigtime Fires–

Several longtime southwest ultra/ trail runners have asked me about resurrecting the Sawyer Peak-Hillsboro Peak-Railroad Canyon area runs (held semi-annually from 1990s through 2007– stories and results in some UR issues).  We had various courses, but always with a “long” option of at least 27.5 miles, and always with ascents of Hillsboro Peak (including up the fire tower to check in) at 10,011′ and Sawyer Peak (9,890′).  I know that lister Dr. Matt Mahoney has run here, as well as other runners from the four corners states, Texas, etc.

As Micah True ran on and enjoyed these routes, it would be a natural and easy (logistically) place to hold a low-key but organized and poigant run – Micah True Trail Run.  The footing and signage is good, but the climbs are all between 7,500′>10,000′ and often steep.  Scenery is excellent.  Course records by experienced runners for 27-29 mile routes were around 6:50-7:00.  We always had shorter options as well.

I was in that area (west of Hillsboro, northeast of Silver City) a few days ago and the smoke from nearby fires to the north was notable.  The REALLY big fires on the national news are more to the northwest, near the ghost town of Mogollon, but in the past have swept down towards Hillsboro Peak (which is one of the rare fire towers in the USA that is still in use year-round).

So I am looking at early Fall, and hopefully post-fires.  I met fire crews out in several places in the Gila and even in close to town in Socorro (good-sized city 75 miles south of Albuquerque, home to excellent university New Mexico Tech and hundreds of miles of trails).  These firefighting men and women were working HARD at all hours– to me they make
running an ultra seem a relative piece of cake.

I am open to any input.  We can hold an organized run as far as water stops along the way, light flagging at a few tricky intersections, t-shirts for interested parties, but would charge no fee (donations to USFS fire fighters always welcome), etc.  From El Paso/ Las Cruces the drive is about 80+ miles north on I-10, then 23 miles west through towns of Hillsboro and
Kingston to trailhead areas near Emory Gap (lots of parking, even a restroom).

AND now to post on something completely different and a bit cheerier– the world’s longest official race (the New York Self-Transcendence 3100 mile/ 5000Km) and a well-known U.S.A. runner who plans to be on the starting line on Father’s Day, June 17th.  While held on a 900 meter loop around a small park in the middle of Queens, NYC, I have known a few large barbecue grills there to get “out of control” and send flames shooting way up … have also seen smoke and flames coming from under an overheated car hood in 100F weather there!

Best wishes to all ultrarunners around the globe,

Mark D
(in smoky El Paso, TX at 4,210′)

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